"He is very experienced and he's achieved so much in his career, I can only benefit from playing alongside him. I'm very aware when I play with him that I try to speak with him a lot."
"In previous interviews I said the door for all the England players is open and I have chosen Agbonlahor because he's played a lot of games."
英格蘭教頭Capello對於在本周世界杯外圍賽,啟用年輕小將Agbonlahor代替已傷癒復出的"過往神童"Owen自有一番見解.英格蘭的striker virus(前鋒病毒)持續強力延燒,在前一場比賽已傷及空霸Heskey和C.Cole.原本臨時招入的D.Bent也在訓練中受傷,因此原"下放"的阿邦再度重披國家隊戰袍.相對之下,Owen反而有充裕時間,準備周末在聯賽對陣Chelsea.
"It's a wee bit too early to say we will settle for second place. We are still in a good position, if we had won on Saturday night, we would have been in a stronger position. But that wasn't the case. We can't change what happened on Saturday night but we are not in the situation where we are looking for second yet."
->愛爾蘭沉默門神Shay Given,有信心球隊能於周三世界杯外圍賽作客義大利Bari後得到好結果.確信國家有機會以小組第一的成績進入到會內賽.打加賽是球隊的次要選擇.目前義大利在第八小組以13分排首位,與第二的愛爾蘭僅僅兩分之差.
"In previous interviews I said the door for all the England players is open and I have chosen Agbonlahor because he's played a lot of games."
英格蘭教頭Capello對於在本周世界杯外圍賽,啟用年輕小將Agbonlahor代替已傷癒復出的"過往神童"Owen自有一番見解.英格蘭的striker virus(前鋒病毒)持續強力延燒,在前一場比賽已傷及空霸Heskey和C.Cole.原本臨時招入的D.Bent也在訓練中受傷,因此原"下放"的阿邦再度重披國家隊戰袍.相對之下,Owen反而有充裕時間,準備周末在聯賽對陣Chelsea.
"It's a wee bit too early to say we will settle for second place. We are still in a good position, if we had won on Saturday night, we would have been in a stronger position. But that wasn't the case. We can't change what happened on Saturday night but we are not in the situation where we are looking for second yet."
->愛爾蘭沉默門神Shay Given,有信心球隊能於周三世界杯外圍賽作客義大利Bari後得到好結果.確信國家有機會以小組第一的成績進入到會內賽.打加賽是球隊的次要選擇.目前義大利在第八小組以13分排首位,與第二的愛爾蘭僅僅兩分之差.