"I remember hearing our fans in the stands who were surprised at my refusal to join the attack shouting and urging me to go forward. But I refused and it paid off in the end. Ronaldo couldn't score, we won the match and my coach gave me £10,000 for a good job done."
Fulham迦納後衛John Pantsil受訪時自爆,於3月21日自家擊敗Man U的比賽,因為自己成功防堵對方球星Ronaldo的殺傷力,賽後教頭Roy Hodgson還另給予獎勵金鼓勵.此舉引來英足總的關切,因為類似獎勵金(bonuses),除非在與該球員簽訂合約時有註明寫下,否則將不被允許.稍後俱樂部發言人Sarah Brookes也馬上跳出來澄清此說法.前次受到調查的類似案件,為04年Chelsea進入到歐冠半決賽,目前已退休的荷蘭重砲Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink 透露,老闆阿布給予每位球員5萬英鎊以玆鼓勵.
"We are a Scottish club. We are playing in Scotland at the moment and are delighted to do that. It's an exciting league but, in the long term, we have a responsibility to look. I think we would be obliged to look closer at something like that. We don't know anything about the details but we believe it is not only Bolton and Phil Gartside who have support for it. We'll just wait and see how it develops. These types of things have happened before and they haven't been able to deliver, so we will wait and take it from there."
蘇超勁旅Celtic有望加盟英格蘭聯賽體系!?本周稍早Bolton主席Phil Gartside提議,應該重新規劃出兩等級的英超聯賽架構,其中更將Celtic也納入了該體系.Celtic方面,首席執行長Peter Lawwell表示願在兼顧球隊利益下,來考慮加入的可能性. 據聞Gartside也把Celtic另一支同城(Glasgow)死敵Rangers一起納入到該計劃(從second tier出發).不過該案牽涉範圍極廣,包括轉播權、英格蘭與蘇格蘭足協.Uefa已表示不支持該計劃...目前如以United Kingdom為單位下,離英超最近的"非英格蘭"球會為目前在英冠聯賽積分74分排第五的Cardiff City(卡地夫城).
"I do not think I have adapted yet because in the first half I was quiet, except for the one moment when I scored. It is difficult, but I will try – I need time. I am a new player, I have to go through [my own] pre-season and then everything will be better. I had only scored a hat-trick twice in my career. I feel good, but also disappointed because we did not get the victory. Both teams wanted to win. What can I say? It was unbelievable football, but that is England for you."
俄國"沙皇"Andrey Arshavin在周中與Liverpool大戰中,彷彿KGB密探上身-一人獨中四元.最終兩軍以4-4收場,槍手的英超18輪不敗紀錄再加一筆.而紅軍則於爭冠路途上再跌一跤.
Fulham迦納後衛John Pantsil受訪時自爆,於3月21日自家擊敗Man U的比賽,因為自己成功防堵對方球星Ronaldo的殺傷力,賽後教頭Roy Hodgson還另給予獎勵金鼓勵.此舉引來英足總的關切,因為類似獎勵金(bonuses),除非在與該球員簽訂合約時有註明寫下,否則將不被允許.稍後俱樂部發言人Sarah Brookes也馬上跳出來澄清此說法.前次受到調查的類似案件,為04年Chelsea進入到歐冠半決賽,目前已退休的荷蘭重砲Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink 透露,老闆阿布給予每位球員5萬英鎊以玆鼓勵.
"We are a Scottish club. We are playing in Scotland at the moment and are delighted to do that. It's an exciting league but, in the long term, we have a responsibility to look. I think we would be obliged to look closer at something like that. We don't know anything about the details but we believe it is not only Bolton and Phil Gartside who have support for it. We'll just wait and see how it develops. These types of things have happened before and they haven't been able to deliver, so we will wait and take it from there."
蘇超勁旅Celtic有望加盟英格蘭聯賽體系!?本周稍早Bolton主席Phil Gartside提議,應該重新規劃出兩等級的英超聯賽架構,其中更將Celtic也納入了該體系.Celtic方面,首席執行長Peter Lawwell表示願在兼顧球隊利益下,來考慮加入的可能性. 據聞Gartside也把Celtic另一支同城(Glasgow)死敵Rangers一起納入到該計劃(從second tier出發).不過該案牽涉範圍極廣,包括轉播權、英格蘭與蘇格蘭足協.Uefa已表示不支持該計劃...目前如以United Kingdom為單位下,離英超最近的"非英格蘭"球會為目前在英冠聯賽積分74分排第五的Cardiff City(卡地夫城).
"I do not think I have adapted yet because in the first half I was quiet, except for the one moment when I scored. It is difficult, but I will try – I need time. I am a new player, I have to go through [my own] pre-season and then everything will be better. I had only scored a hat-trick twice in my career. I feel good, but also disappointed because we did not get the victory. Both teams wanted to win. What can I say? It was unbelievable football, but that is England for you."
俄國"沙皇"Andrey Arshavin在周中與Liverpool大戰中,彷彿KGB密探上身-一人獨中四元.最終兩軍以4-4收場,槍手的英超18輪不敗紀錄再加一筆.而紅軍則於爭冠路途上再跌一跤.