"I had thoughts I would never play again. I am much better. The bad things are behind me, there were times when I could not see the light at the end of the tunnel. I would take two steps forwards and three back.
槍手充滿靈氣的捷克國腳Tomas Rosicky表示,在腳跟腱受傷期間,曾以為自己必須提早結束足球生涯.他並期望能在賽季末前自去年一月受傷離開球場後,再次代表球隊出賽.
I would take two steps forwards and three back:徵求正解(引伸含義)
槍手充滿靈氣的捷克國腳Tomas Rosicky表示,在腳跟腱受傷期間,曾以為自己必須提早結束足球生涯.他並期望能在賽季末前自去年一月受傷離開球場後,再次代表球隊出賽.
I would take two steps forwards and three back:徵求正解(引伸含義)
"I don't blame Kilbane for what happened. It was an accident. He did not have time to react. He was trying to stop the ball, but there was not much that he could do."
愛爾蘭國家隊教頭Giovanni Trapattoni,針對昨日球隊在世界杯預選賽對陣保加利亞時,老將Kevin Kilbane在下半場奉送對手一記烏龍球,表示並不會責怪於他.昨日是Kilbane代表國家的第94場賽事,也因為昨日的平局,使愛爾蘭目前在第八組的分組暫以11分,2分落後於排頭義大利.下周三,義大利將於在Bari的主場迎接愛爾蘭的到來,到時將是場小組第一的三分戰.
"There are many great Wales players who have failed to qualify for a major finals. But I am not in that category, I'm far from great, I am a decent player but there are many better players than me who have been in this position with Wales and I feel for them. I will certainly not be in that bracket,"
威爾士快馬Craig Bellamy在昨日世界杯預選賽0-2輸給芬蘭後表示,雖然幾乎已無晉級2010南非世界杯的機會,但他並不會因此退出國家隊.威爾士目前在第四小組積6分排第四位,落後榜首德國7分.威爾士下一戰對手即是08年歐錦賽亞軍德國隊.
feel for:對...有感情、體諒