"United will know that we are in there. United will realise they are in a fight for the league. At the moment we're probably the form team in the league, and this is the best time of the season to be in form."
Liverpool副隊長Carragher在上周末5-0狂勝Aston Villa後表示,紅軍目前狀況甚佳,絕對有能力再度威脅紅魔的衛冕之路.Man U目前在少賽一場情況下,僅領先第二名的Liverpool一分,然在接下來賽程將面對主力回國打世界杯預選賽、三名主力禁賽、聯賽與歐冠8強賽程相繼到來情況下,Sir Alex Ferguson將面臨不小的壓力.
"A formal retraction from Pele will be requested, if what he said was not misinterpreted by the media that published it. And if Pele does not come forward, he will have to deal with his very unfortunate comment in court."
烏鴉嘴球王Pele最近再度惹事上塵囂,一段訪問中"似乎"暗示腳踏車男Robinho有吸食毒品情況,此言論立即在巴西引發軒然大波.Robinho稍後在個人網站鄭重澄清,並要球Pele收回自己的話.原段訪問如下:"Most journalists talk about drugs in football, but in truth there are very few cases of this. It isn't fair to talk about drugs in football just because of one or two cases, like with what happened with ... Robinho, who had this problem."
unfortunate :不適宜、令人遺憾
"I met my old Bayern assistant in Germany recently and he asked me what I think about McGeady because they are following him,"
前Bayern教頭、現任愛爾蘭國家隊教練Giovanni Trapattoni表示,Bayern對蘇超Celtic的邊鋒Aiden McGeady頗感興趣,老特對McGeady的前景也是一片看好.
Liverpool副隊長Carragher在上周末5-0狂勝Aston Villa後表示,紅軍目前狀況甚佳,絕對有能力再度威脅紅魔的衛冕之路.Man U目前在少賽一場情況下,僅領先第二名的Liverpool一分,然在接下來賽程將面對主力回國打世界杯預選賽、三名主力禁賽、聯賽與歐冠8強賽程相繼到來情況下,Sir Alex Ferguson將面臨不小的壓力.
"A formal retraction from Pele will be requested, if what he said was not misinterpreted by the media that published it. And if Pele does not come forward, he will have to deal with his very unfortunate comment in court."
烏鴉嘴球王Pele最近再度惹事上塵囂,一段訪問中"似乎"暗示腳踏車男Robinho有吸食毒品情況,此言論立即在巴西引發軒然大波.Robinho稍後在個人網站鄭重澄清,並要球Pele收回自己的話.原段訪問如下:"Most journalists talk about drugs in football, but in truth there are very few cases of this. It isn't fair to talk about drugs in football just because of one or two cases, like with what happened with ... Robinho, who had this problem."
unfortunate :不適宜、令人遺憾
"I met my old Bayern assistant in Germany recently and he asked me what I think about McGeady because they are following him,"
前Bayern教頭、現任愛爾蘭國家隊教練Giovanni Trapattoni表示,Bayern對蘇超Celtic的邊鋒Aiden McGeady頗感興趣,老特對McGeady的前景也是一片看好.