"I believe that if Cristiano Ronaldo came here, he'd be accepted."
Real Madrid隊長Raul認為,今夏如Man U邊鋒Ronaldo轉會至Bernabeu,馬德里將會敞開雙臂接納他.同時老隊長也表示有意體驗英超,並透露幾年前Chelsea曾與他接觸過.
"There are enquiries for Tranquillo all the time and we have been talking about this with him. We are always in touch with Tranquillo and are attempting to extend his deal." "
->" 打探巴內塔的球隊不曾間斷過,而我們一直跟他提及此事.我們也一直與巴內塔保持聯繫,並欲延長他的合約."
德甲Bayer Leverkusen運動部經理Michael Reschke表示,Arsenal已表態對隊中瑞士國腳Tranquillo Barnetta的興趣.今天夏天,槍手有可能將這名評價極高的小將購買至Emirates.Bayer近年最成功外銷至英超的球員,就屬目前效力於Man U的Berbatov(前Tottenham).
"If you want me to rule out ever being Manchester United manager I can't. Special clubs need special managers so in theory it could work, but nobody knows what the future is in football.
目前擔任Internazionale主教練的狂人Jose Mourinho,認為自己有能力成為Ferguson退休後的接班人.同時他認為,本季膠著的聯賽冠軍之爭,如果自己還執教Chelsea的話,一切都將改變.("my teams always rival Manchester United and Sir Alex knows that")...果然是身為狂人所該有的話語.
Real Madrid隊長Raul認為,今夏如Man U邊鋒Ronaldo轉會至Bernabeu,馬德里將會敞開雙臂接納他.同時老隊長也表示有意體驗英超,並透露幾年前Chelsea曾與他接觸過.
"There are enquiries for Tranquillo all the time and we have been talking about this with him. We are always in touch with Tranquillo and are attempting to extend his deal." "
->" 打探巴內塔的球隊不曾間斷過,而我們一直跟他提及此事.我們也一直與巴內塔保持聯繫,並欲延長他的合約."
德甲Bayer Leverkusen運動部經理Michael Reschke表示,Arsenal已表態對隊中瑞士國腳Tranquillo Barnetta的興趣.今天夏天,槍手有可能將這名評價極高的小將購買至Emirates.Bayer近年最成功外銷至英超的球員,就屬目前效力於Man U的Berbatov(前Tottenham).
"If you want me to rule out ever being Manchester United manager I can't. Special clubs need special managers so in theory it could work, but nobody knows what the future is in football.
目前擔任Internazionale主教練的狂人Jose Mourinho,認為自己有能力成為Ferguson退休後的接班人.同時他認為,本季膠著的聯賽冠軍之爭,如果自己還執教Chelsea的話,一切都將改變.("my teams always rival Manchester United and Sir Alex knows that")...果然是身為狂人所該有的話語.