"He was very apologetic for his actions. But as far as I was concerned his actions were those of an angry man, as opposed to a composed man, and that's what I'm looking for."
Hull City主帥Phil Brown表示陣中得分大將Geovanni已為自己的不良態度表示歉意.上周末Hull City聯賽對陣Blackburn,比賽到一半被替換的Geovanni感到非常不悅.除摔個人物品外,下場時更不願正眼瞧主帥一眼.Hull季初一度衝上積分榜第三名,如今18輪未勝後,目前積分榜滑落至第13名,距離降級區僅3分之遙.
composed :鎮靜的、沈著的
"It's so tight in the league at the moment that you can end up anywhere with a win. But with a loss you can drop down and be fighting at the bottom. That is the situation we now find ourselves in. We need a win to get back on track, and to keep winning on a regular basis, because we haven't been doing that."
Man City中場Stephen Ireland擔憂球隊近期表現,可能有掉入降級區的風險.目前球隊聯賽排名11位,與降級區有6分差距.但球隊近期得分大砲Craig Bellamy將膝傷,缺席未來約六周賽事.
regular basis:(徵求正解)
"We cannot live off these past three weeks and just forget about everything that happened before. We have to remember the capability that this team and this group of coaches has."
Barcelona運動部經理Txiki Begiristain對球隊近期後防低落表現感到擔憂.近兩輪聯賽,Barca連連在球賽中被逆轉導致球隊輸球.Barcelona原本擁有12分的領跑優勢,至目前僅與第二名的Real Madrid剩4分差距.
Hull City主帥Phil Brown表示陣中得分大將Geovanni已為自己的不良態度表示歉意.上周末Hull City聯賽對陣Blackburn,比賽到一半被替換的Geovanni感到非常不悅.除摔個人物品外,下場時更不願正眼瞧主帥一眼.Hull季初一度衝上積分榜第三名,如今18輪未勝後,目前積分榜滑落至第13名,距離降級區僅3分之遙.
composed :鎮靜的、沈著的
"It's so tight in the league at the moment that you can end up anywhere with a win. But with a loss you can drop down and be fighting at the bottom. That is the situation we now find ourselves in. We need a win to get back on track, and to keep winning on a regular basis, because we haven't been doing that."
Man City中場Stephen Ireland擔憂球隊近期表現,可能有掉入降級區的風險.目前球隊聯賽排名11位,與降級區有6分差距.但球隊近期得分大砲Craig Bellamy將膝傷,缺席未來約六周賽事.
regular basis:(徵求正解)
"We cannot live off these past three weeks and just forget about everything that happened before. We have to remember the capability that this team and this group of coaches has."
Barcelona運動部經理Txiki Begiristain對球隊近期後防低落表現感到擔憂.近兩輪聯賽,Barca連連在球賽中被逆轉導致球隊輸球.Barcelona原本擁有12分的領跑優勢,至目前僅與第二名的Real Madrid剩4分差距.