"I saw the Premier League game between Stoke City and Manchester City, I noticed that millions have been invested by certain people there very badly. I saw that they can do absolutely nothing, even though they were very expensive."
Bayern經理霍胖今天將炮火掃到英超賽場.對Man City有大老闆撐腰後,在冬季轉會期花費最多,簽下四名新球員,表達了自己的看法.霍胖掌管Bayern二十多年來道是以球隊荷包守門人聞名德甲.也讓Bayern成為德甲上最富有的球隊.
profile: Man City winter signing-Craig Bellamy( £14 million )/Wayne Bridge(£10 million)/Nigel De Jong(£17m) ps:霍胖笑Man City竟願砸錢在原身價只有€2million的荷蘭小將上 /Shay Given(£8m)
"I had nothing but good things to tell my family about the football side of things and the lifestyle opportunities North Queensland can offer us, It's a huge decision for my family, but it's also an opportunity to continue my football career in a truly wonderful part of the world."
前Liverpool名將、現年33歲的Robbie Fowler ,將加盟澳洲足球聯賽(A-League )新軍 North Queensland Fury .他自己也表達出對新俱樂部與新生活的期待.
"I like Arsenal's style, I like Arsène Wenger as a coach, and I like some players in this team,"
經過一波三折的紛擾後,Andrei Arshavin終於從Zenit St Petersburg 轉至Arsenal.不過轉會時間疑似已超出英超冬季轉會時間.俄國人還未踏上英倫島,倒是引發了不少風波.報導指出,Arshavin還另支付原俱樂部€500,000 ,補償Arsenal出價的不足額部分,實在用心良苦...
Bayern經理霍胖今天將炮火掃到英超賽場.對Man City有大老闆撐腰後,在冬季轉會期花費最多,簽下四名新球員,表達了自己的看法.霍胖掌管Bayern二十多年來道是以球隊荷包守門人聞名德甲.也讓Bayern成為德甲上最富有的球隊.
profile: Man City winter signing-Craig Bellamy( £14 million )/Wayne Bridge(£10 million)/Nigel De Jong(£17m) ps:霍胖笑Man City竟願砸錢在原身價只有€2million的荷蘭小將上 /Shay Given(£8m)
"I had nothing but good things to tell my family about the football side of things and the lifestyle opportunities North Queensland can offer us, It's a huge decision for my family, but it's also an opportunity to continue my football career in a truly wonderful part of the world."
前Liverpool名將、現年33歲的Robbie Fowler ,將加盟澳洲足球聯賽(A-League )新軍 North Queensland Fury .他自己也表達出對新俱樂部與新生活的期待.
"I like Arsenal's style, I like Arsène Wenger as a coach, and I like some players in this team,"
經過一波三折的紛擾後,Andrei Arshavin終於從Zenit St Petersburg 轉至Arsenal.不過轉會時間疑似已超出英超冬季轉會時間.俄國人還未踏上英倫島,倒是引發了不少風波.報導指出,Arshavin還另支付原俱樂部€500,000 ,補償Arsenal出價的不足額部分,實在用心良苦...