"We need to end the distractions, the circus and the zoo. We just received an offer. It was rejected.''
AEG 的chief executive Tim Leiweke表示,無意將Beckham賣給AC Millano.Beckham冬季轉會期租借至義大利後,旋即表示租借期結束後,願意正式轉會到AC Milano.不過母隊 Galaxy 目前似乎無意放行.
"He came into the dressing room, on my mother's life, and said 'I need one more yellow card. So I gave him a yellow card and he said, 'No, no, no. On the pitch. It's up to you.' And they go straight through a bloke, to get a yellow card so that they don't have to play over Christmas."
英超裁判 Steve Bennett 爆料給News of the World,表示有球員為了在聖誕節能不出賽(想放假),因而蓄意拿牌,規避上場比賽的責任.然而他並未直接點出是哪幾位球員有此舉動.英超往年每到年末聖誕假期,因沒有其他四大聯賽的冬歇期,因此總會利用此時一周多賽,魔鬼賽程的安排,時常也令球員偶有抱怨.
on my mother's life:(徵求正解),且能連貫上下文.
“I think anyone who plays football will appreciate that this is an attractive opportunity. I see it as a huge chance,“
德甲球隊Borussia Mönchengladbach 22歲小將Alexander Baumjohann,已確定將於今年夏季自由轉會至德甲巨人Bayern Munich.
AEG 的chief executive Tim Leiweke表示,無意將Beckham賣給AC Millano.Beckham冬季轉會期租借至義大利後,旋即表示租借期結束後,願意正式轉會到AC Milano.不過母隊 Galaxy 目前似乎無意放行.
"He came into the dressing room, on my mother's life, and said 'I need one more yellow card. So I gave him a yellow card and he said, 'No, no, no. On the pitch. It's up to you.' And they go straight through a bloke, to get a yellow card so that they don't have to play over Christmas."
英超裁判 Steve Bennett 爆料給News of the World,表示有球員為了在聖誕節能不出賽(想放假),因而蓄意拿牌,規避上場比賽的責任.然而他並未直接點出是哪幾位球員有此舉動.英超往年每到年末聖誕假期,因沒有其他四大聯賽的冬歇期,因此總會利用此時一周多賽,魔鬼賽程的安排,時常也令球員偶有抱怨.
on my mother's life:(徵求正解),且能連貫上下文.
“I think anyone who plays football will appreciate that this is an attractive opportunity. I see it as a huge chance,“
德甲球隊Borussia Mönchengladbach 22歲小將Alexander Baumjohann,已確定將於今年夏季自由轉會至德甲巨人Bayern Munich.