“That’s the end. The pain is too great for me to continue playing. It’s something I have to accept, I’m devastated and it’s hard to take. I’d always dreamed it would end differently, and I’d have liked to keep playing for at least another few years,”
->"一切都結束了. 這傷痛痛到讓我難以繼續踢球.這是我必須接受的事實.我感到身心交瘁且難以接受.我一直期望能有一個不一樣的結局,並能至少繼續再踢個幾年."
“I’ve had close on nine wonderful years at Bayern, and a very special relationship with the fans."
“The Säbener Strasse was home to me. I’m leaving now, but my heart’s still here.”
->"Säbener Strasse(拜仁訓練場)對我來說就像家一樣.我將離去,但我的心仍歸屬此地."
“Willy was one of the best transfers we ever made, he’s always been a model professional, a fine example to the younger players, and a standard-bearer around Europe for us. He’ll be extremely difficult to replace.”
standard-bearer :徵求答案.
"There are other reasons why he will not be forgotten in a hurry. He has opinions and principles,”
“He’s a bright lad and perfectly capable of managing a club.”
“a great loss for Bayern and the game of football. Willy was outstanding both as a player and a personality.”
Bayern教頭Jürgen Klinsmann說出自己對Sagnol的看法.
comment:離別總是令人心碎. All the best...Le Chef !

->"一切都結束了. 這傷痛痛到讓我難以繼續踢球.這是我必須接受的事實.我感到身心交瘁且難以接受.我一直期望能有一個不一樣的結局,並能至少繼續再踢個幾年."
“I’ve had close on nine wonderful years at Bayern, and a very special relationship with the fans."
“The Säbener Strasse was home to me. I’m leaving now, but my heart’s still here.”
->"Säbener Strasse(拜仁訓練場)對我來說就像家一樣.我將離去,但我的心仍歸屬此地."
“Willy was one of the best transfers we ever made, he’s always been a model professional, a fine example to the younger players, and a standard-bearer around Europe for us. He’ll be extremely difficult to replace.”
standard-bearer :徵求答案.
"There are other reasons why he will not be forgotten in a hurry. He has opinions and principles,”
“He’s a bright lad and perfectly capable of managing a club.”
“a great loss for Bayern and the game of football. Willy was outstanding both as a player and a personality.”
Bayern教頭Jürgen Klinsmann說出自己對Sagnol的看法.
comment:離別總是令人心碎. All the best...Le Chef !

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