"I'm delighted to be back. This is a club that's dear to my heart and I've got some great memories from when I was here for six years,"
Robbie Keance再次重返(加盟)白鹿巷球場,還被老雷任命為球隊隊長.對於在Liverpool的半個賽季,他感嘆道:Sometimes the grass is not always greener on the other side.(別處的草地並不一定比較綠)...沒記錯應該是有一句成語可以一言以蔽之...
"It was always going to be in Blackburn's hands, not mine, and best for them to deal with the situation. That's how it should be when you sign a contract at a club and make a commitment to do your best every day.
Santa Cruz整個冬季轉會期都吵著要轉會至Man City,最終一切原封不動繼續留在母隊.如今卻突然態度轉變表達出對俱樂部的忠誠,甚至說Blackburn就像家(given me a family )一樣.只能說Big Sam真是治隊有方呀!
"The Sun newspaper has paid substantial damages and has now withdrawn the allegations made against Marco and accept that he did not say anything of a racist nature to Zidane."
06年世界杯決賽驚世駭俗的鐵頭功事件,太陽報當時報導,因 Materazzi 對Zizou說了句"恐怖份子妓女的兒子"(the son of a terrorist whore)",使得Zizou兇性大發而狠撞這名高大的人間凶器.然而賽後Materazzi 控告英國這家八卦小報,認為他們錯誤報導關於他說的話.近日傳聞,兩方已在法院外達成協議,太陽報已支付"六位數"的賠償金,且承認錯誤報導.
Robbie Keance再次重返(加盟)白鹿巷球場,還被老雷任命為球隊隊長.對於在Liverpool的半個賽季,他感嘆道:Sometimes the grass is not always greener on the other side.(別處的草地並不一定比較綠)...沒記錯應該是有一句成語可以一言以蔽之...
"It was always going to be in Blackburn's hands, not mine, and best for them to deal with the situation. That's how it should be when you sign a contract at a club and make a commitment to do your best every day.
Santa Cruz整個冬季轉會期都吵著要轉會至Man City,最終一切原封不動繼續留在母隊.如今卻突然態度轉變表達出對俱樂部的忠誠,甚至說Blackburn就像家(given me a family )一樣.只能說Big Sam真是治隊有方呀!
"The Sun newspaper has paid substantial damages and has now withdrawn the allegations made against Marco and accept that he did not say anything of a racist nature to Zidane."
06年世界杯決賽驚世駭俗的鐵頭功事件,太陽報當時報導,因 Materazzi 對Zizou說了句"恐怖份子妓女的兒子"(the son of a terrorist whore)",使得Zizou兇性大發而狠撞這名高大的人間凶器.然而賽後Materazzi 控告英國這家八卦小報,認為他們錯誤報導關於他說的話.近日傳聞,兩方已在法院外達成協議,太陽報已支付"六位數"的賠償金,且承認錯誤報導.